Club Meeting

Tuesday March 26, 2013

Sci Works: 7:30 pm

Program: Radio Astronomy at 21 cm


Rexford Adelberger, Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Guilford College

Dr Adelberger’s talk on March 26th will explain the generation and detection of radio signals. He will then describe the radio astronomy program at Guilford College that is tuned to the 21 cm radiation from atomic hydrogen. Finally, he will log the club into the Guilford College Radio Astronomy Observatory for a “hands on” look at the 21cm night sky. Join us at SciWorks at the usual time for this unique opportunity to observe the sky at a wavelength invisible to our optical senses.



VOTE –  Election Slate 2013-2014:  Officers – March Meeting – VOTE

President:  Steve Childers

Vice President:  Bruce Mellin 

Secretary: Bruce Gavett

Treasurer: Edgar Lopez



