August 2018 FAS Meeting

The August meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this coming Wednesday, August 8th at 7:30 pm at Kalideum North. The presentation this month will be by our very own Bruce Mellin. Bruce has over forty year’s experience teaching science. He holds a BA from Northeastern University and a Master of Science Teaching degree from Boston College. After spending a sabbatical year at the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge Massachusetts as part of the team developing the Micro-Observatory Telescope Network, he joined the faculty of the Brooks School in North Andover Massachusetts where his high school students used the robotic telescope network to conduct astronomical research. He was a senior lecturer at Northeastern University
for thirty years teaching courses in Astronomy, Geology, Oceanography and Meteorology. During the last five years of his career, he taught Methods and Materials in Earth Science in the graduate school of Cambridge College in Cambridge Massachusetts.

Bruce and his wife Barbara retired to North Carolina in 2008. He enjoys membership in both the Greensboro Astronomy Club and the Forsyth Astronomical Society. After speaking a few sentences, a listener often remarks, “You’re not from around here…are you?” To which he replies. “…but I got here as soon as I could.”

Bruce’s presentation is titled:

Radioactivity, Serendipity, and Astronomy: What does radioactivity have to do with elements in the universe?



Following the presentation portion, we will have a brief business/planning meeting and as always, there will be an informal social gathering 30 minutes or so before the meeting. Come early for the best choice of doughnuts.  All meetings are open to the public, free of charge and all are welcome. Hope to see you there.

A reminder to all members. LAST CALL FOR DUES!!!! If you haven’t paid your annual dues they are now past due. After this meeting if you haven’t paid your name will be removed from the roster and mailing list.