Camper Observation at Stone Mountain State Park 3/30

Update 3/29:
We are a GO for our observation at Stone Mountain Sate Park!!!!! The conditions won’t be optimal but, we should be able to show you some nice night sky wonders.



Saturday March 30th, the Forsyth Astronomical Society will host an observation at Stone Mountain State Park in the family camping area. This is primarily an event for the campers of the park but the public is welcome to attend. The sun will set at 7:44 pm and there will be no major planets or moon to see in early twilight so we will start showing objects as darkness allows. With no moonlight to prohibit viewing the evening should primarily deep sky treats. We will be able show you various star clusters, binary star systems, several different nebulae, galaxies and even multiple galaxies in the same field of view of the eyepiece. The Great Orion Nebula will be the brightest, most detailed and prominent target for the evening.

This IS a weather dependent event. This post and the club’s Facebook page will be updated to reflect a final weather call on Friday March 29th. As of this posting the forecast isn’t very favorable calling for cloudy skies during the day, partly cloudy skies in the evening, rain by around 1 AM, moderately windy and warm, with temperatures in the 60’s during the event. The weather this time of year is dynamic to the say the least and we are hoping for a change to more favorable conditions.

Please note the observation site on the campsite map below. Access to the site can be gained via a grassy path marked by traffic cones between sites 33 and 34. If you are a non camping attendee please park at the bathhouse near the observation site or along the grassy median away from campsites along the main road. Please refrain from using flashlights or cell phones in the observation area. If you feel you need a flashlight to get you to the observation site, please point them downward on your approach and turn them off when you reach the field. Your eyes dark adapt in 10-15 minuets and I promise you, you will be able to see fine to navigate around. If you have need  for lighting to find something, ask a member and they can provide a red light flashlight to help you. Please be respectful and do not walk through other’s campsites.


A reminder to attending club members: This location is prone to HEAVY dew. Please keep this in mind and adjust your equipment strategy accordingly.