FAS November 2022 Meeting

Return to the Moon with Artemis  

 Forsyth Astronomical Society (FAS)  

November 2022 Meeting   

Wednesday, November 9 @ 7:30 pm.

at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks),

400 West Hanes Mill Road,

Winston-Salem, NC.


Bruce Gavett will present November’s FAS program, which will be an overview of NASA’s plans to return to the Moon with Artemis.

December 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the last human to set foot on the surface of the Moon. On December 14, 1972, Apollo 17, with Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt, lifted off from the Moon and no one has returned since then.

Well, NASA is going back! And they will do so with the Artemis program. Artemis I is the first full test flight of NASA’s Space Launch System and Orion capsule, the hardware for Artemis. If you’ve been following the news, they’ve attempted to launch Artemis I three times with no luck. The next launch window is scheduled for Monday, November 14 beginning at 12:07 am EST.

We can’t show you the launch at the meeting, but we will catch you up with what’s going on with the Artemis program and provide any updates on the pending launch.

You don’t have to be a member to attend. If you’re curious and have an interest in space and astronomy, come on out!

The program starts at 7:30 pm. The Society’s business meeting will take place after the program. The meeting will also be available on WebEx for FAS members.

For more on the Artemis program, see “Return to the Moon.” FAS Astronomy Blog. August 2022. https://www.fas37.org/wp/return-to-the-moon/



