FAS Observation at Kaleideum North Saturday 9/21



Update 9/21: We are a GO!!!
Come on out and enjoy the night sky.

Saturday September 21st the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be hosting a public observation event at Kaleideum North. We will have several telescopes of different varieties and sizes setup to show you some night sky wonders. Sunset is at 7:20 PM and we will begin showing you targets as they become available. The planets Saturn and Jupiter will be among some of the most early targets. Make sure to observe Jupiter when you first arrive and before you leave.  Over the course of the evening you will notice a marked difference in the locations of it’s 4 largest moons. As it gets darker star clusters, some nebulae and even a few galaxies will be in the range of some of the larger telescopes at the event. Come on out and enjoy the night sky.

This is a weather dependent event. A final weather call will be made on Friday the 20th and this posting and our club’s Facebook page will be amended to reflect that weather call. The forecast is for quite favorable conditions, so we do not anticipate any weather issues. This is a family friendly, kid friendly event that is FREE and open to the public.




