Happy New Year – changes coming soon

With the new year, The Forsyth Astronomical Society will be changing the format of the Young Astronomers Newsletter. Rather than a publication published on a monthly basis, the newsletter will become a series of on-line articles.

The articles will be posted to this location: https://www.fas37.org/wp/category/astronomy/youngastronews/

We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to Bob Patsiga who retired as the editor of the Young Astronomers Newsletter at the end of 2019.

There are many sources of astronomy information out on the web. If you’d like to learn something about observing the night sky, the solar system, stars, space, and the universe, you might start with the Astronomy Resources listed on the Kaleideum North Planetarium page: http://north.kaleideum.org/visit/exhibits/planetarium/. Then stay tuned for articles published here in the upcoming months.