July 2023 Meeting – Wednesday July 12

Please join us for the July 12, 2023 meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society. The meeting will be held at Kaleideum North (formerly SciWorks), 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC.

FAS member Sean Wood will tell us about astrophotography that can be done with only your smartphone.
“Have you ever wanted to capture that beautiful Moon hanging in the sky or that view through your eyepiece but don’t have an expensive/extensive astrophotography setup. You might be surprised what you can do with that portable computer most of us carry in our pocket. In this presentation I’ll discuss my experiences on my cellphone astrophotography journey, what equipment that is required and some basic accessories that will help make things easier. I’ll be showing some of my limited results as well as the work of others that have honed their skills and techniques far greater than my own.”

You don’t have to be a member to attend. If you’re curious and have an interest in astronomy and the universe, come on out!

The program starts at 7:30 pm. The Society’s business meeting will take place after the program.



