June 2019 FAS Meeting

Wednesday June 12th, 7:30 pm at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The program for this month’s meeting will be given by FAS club Member Bruce Gavett in preparation of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Moon landing entitled:

The Road to the Moon

“Fifty years ago for the first time in human history someone from the planet Earth stepped on another world, “One small step … One giant leap”.   The date was July 20, 1969.  The Moon landing was the culmination of a space program that began years earlier.  First, there was Sputnik and Vostok 1.  Then, President Kennedy inspired the nation, “We choose to go to the Moon …”  American astronauts ventured into space with Project Mercury.  Alan Shepard, John Glenn and others were the heroes of the time.  Join us as we follow The Road to the Moon and explore these early steps taken by the United States that eventually led to the Moon landing.”

Following the presentation portion, we will have a brief business/planning meeting and as always, there will be an informal social gathering 30 minutes or so before the meeting. Come early for the best choice of doughnuts.  All meetings are open to the public, free of charge and all are welcome. Hope to see you there.

A reminder to club members: It’s that time again, our renewal of annual dues is upon us. You can pay them at any meeting, or by mail, address in the Contact Us tab above. Dues are $35/year for the basic membership, $40/year for a dual vote membership and our student rate is still $5/year. For anyone else interested in joining our organization, now is the prime time to do it. More information on membership benefits and our dues structure can be found on our membership info page.  Don’t forget to renew your Astronomical League membership as well if you participate in that group, $7.50 additional to your FAS membership. Don’t know about the Astronomical League, ask our FAS AL correspondent member Sean Wood.