May 2018 FAS Meeting

The May meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this coming Wednesday, May 9th at 7:30 pm at Kaleideum North. The program will be a planetarium program about the upcoming conjunction of Mars, by FAS Member Bruce Gavett. Following the presentation portion, we will have a brief business/planning meeting and as always, there will be an informal social gathering 30 minutes or so before the meeting. Come early for the best choice of doughnuts.  All meetings are open to the public, free of charge and all are welcome. Hope to see you there.


A reminder to club members: It’s getting to be that time again, we are coming up on the May renewal for annual dues. You can pay them at any meeting, or by mail, between this month and May. Dues are now $35/year for individuals, $40/year for a family membership and our student rate is still $5/year. For any one else, if you have ever wanted to join our organization now is the prime time to do it. Watch for a post in the coming days explaining membership benefits. Don’t forget to renew your Astronomical League membership, $7.50 additional to your FAS membership, as well if you participate in that group. Don’t know about the Astronomical League ask club member Sean Wood, the FAS AL correspondent.