November 2019 FAS Meeting

A photo taken by club Vice President Justin Nichols at our Mercury transit observation at Kaleideum North on 11/11.

Wednesday November 13th, 7:30 pm, at Kaleideum North the Forsyth Astronomical Society will have its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The presentation topic this month will be given by club member Bruce Mellin about the recent Mercury transit.

Bruce’s synopsis:
“Observing Mercury and Venus is difficult from our platform on the Earth. Both planets were visible only near sunrise or sunset to ancient astronomers as either morning or evening stars. In the late 1500’s, Johannes Kepler expanded astronomers’ opportunities to investigate the two inner planets by predicting their passage across the face of the Sun. For the first time, Mercury and Venus were clearly visible and measurable. At our Wednesday meeting I will review what can be learned about these elusive planets by simply watching their transit across the Sun as observed on November 11, or as the ancients did, cataloging their positions in the night sky.”

Following the presentation portion, we will have a brief business/planning meeting and as always, there will be an informal social gathering 30 minutes or so before the meeting. Come early for the best choice of doughnuts.  All meetings are open to the public, free of charge and all are welcome. Hope to see you there.