Observations For Kaleideum and Pilot Mountain 4/12 and 4/13

Update 4/13:

It seems like mother nature is throwing us a curve ball for this evenings event. The window of clearing we were seeing for the last couple days in the weather models is no longer there.  The plan as it stands is the coordinate with our ranger liaison at the park and assess the cloud cover at 6 pm and make a final call then. Please check back here or the club’s Facebook page after 6 before coming out.

6 PM Weather call:

We are a GO folks.  We may be playing peek-a-boo though the passing clouds but we are going to give it a try. Come on out and enjoy the night sky.


For those folks following our club’s calendar you may have noticed we have a couple of events this weekend that we have yet to publish. We were a little late getting this up and the long-term forecast for the weekend was looking terrible with clouds and storms over several days before and after the event days.. We had relegated ourselves to posting a cancellation at last-minute. Mother nature it seems had her own plans.

This evening’s event, 4/12, at Kaleideum North is unfortunately going to be a wash out for sure so it has been canceled.


BUT, tomorrow evenings event, 4/13, atop Pilot Mount has had a change in the forecast for the time frame of our observation, from 8-10 pm. So we are a GO for it!!! It seems we will be getting a break in the clouds between two storm fronts. The conditions won’t be ideal but they should be good enough for us to show you some pretty nice sights. The moon will be the brightest target and it should be up the entire observation. As it gets darker we will be able to show you more targets like the Great Orion Nebula, several star clusters and depending on the level of clearing, we may be able to show you a galaxy to two in some of our larger scopes.



Come on out and enjoy the night sky. Please pass this along on social media to help get the word out.