NC State University

  • June 2018 FAS Meeting

    The June meeting of the Forsyth Astronomical Society will be this coming Wednesday, June 13th at 7:30 pm at Kaleideum North. The program will be a presentation by Samuel D. Flynn, a doctoral candidate at NC State University. Mr. Flynn will be presenting a program entitled: Ghosts From a Dying Star Using neutrinos oscillations to probe supernovae and…

  • March 2018 FAS Meeting

    The Forsyth Astronomical Society Welcomes Dr. Don Ellison Department of Physics, North Carolina State University Where he will present: Nucleosynthesis: The Origin of the Elements Where do elements come from? How are they created? This question has vexed humanity for millennia, spawning ideas such alchemy. However, in the last 60 years science has been able…