March 2018 FAS Meeting

The Forsyth Astronomical Society


Dr. Don Ellison

Department of Physics, North Carolina State University

Where he will present:

Nucleosynthesis: The Origin of the Elements

Where do elements come from? How are they created? This question has vexed humanity for millennia, spawning ideas such alchemy. However, in the last 60 years science has been able to understand, in general terms, the origin of the elements. While important details remain, the story of nucleosynthesis represents one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.

On March fourteenth at Kaleideum North, 7:30 PM, Dr. Don Ellison, Professor of Astrophysics at North Carolina State University, will explain the physics and astrophysics underlying the discovery of nucleosynthesis and mention some of the current theories and observations that are attempting to solve the remaining mysteries hidden in the details of elemental abundances. For more information on Dr. Ellison click his image above.

Following the presentation portion, we will have a brief business/planning meeting and as always, there will be an informal social gathering 30 minutes or so before the meeting. Come early for the best choice of doughnuts.  All meetings are open to the public, free of charge and all are welcome. Hope to see you there.