Young Astronomers Newsletter May 2018

The Young Astronomers Newsletter


The Young Astronomers Newsletter Volume 26 Number 5 May 2018

By Bob Patsiga



In this month’s edition of the newsletter Bob discusses:

  • NASA is working diligently on the next rover to be sent to Mars in 2020. The descent stage is being assembled at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
  • Planetary scientists are poring over models that describe the dynamics of the formation of our solar system. Our solar system appears to be unique when we compare it to what is observed with many other extra-solar planetary systems.
  • Theoreticians are working on the origin of dark energy. This enigmatic force is blamed for pushing the universe outward at an accelerating pace. It may be that dark energy originates within space-time and generates anti-gravity, which is the operating force.
  • German scientists are developing methods for growing fruits and vegetables in the Antarctic. What is learned in these experiments may be useful in providing food for astronauts during their travels or at their base on distant planets or moons.
  • The enormous amount of data generated by the Cassini mission to Saturn is now being processed by NASA.
  • Astronomical Birthdays for May.
  • Celestial happenings for the month, including a meteor shower.
  • A list of astrological symbols for the planets.



